Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Poor Baby...

Okay, so today has not been the best of poor, little sweet Myla has had bit of a traumatic experience. This morning while we were waiting for some friends to come play, we were making some Rice Krispy treats. Myla was sitting on the counter (my first mistake!). I took the pot off to put in the sink, and you can guess what happened next. Myla put her hand on the hot eye of the stove. I knew immediately by the high pitch of her scream that something was really bad wrong. Blisters immediately formed on the fingers and palm of her hand. I took her straight to the sink to run her hand under water, and then I called Michael to make sure what I needed to do. I was so upset seeing her in so much pain! Michael told me I had to calm down so she would calm down, but I felt so guilty because it was my fault she was hurting. Anyway, we eventually went to the doctor's office because I knew she probably needed something for pain, and I knew they were probably going to have to wrap it to keep her from messing with her fingers that were hurting. When we got there, they put some cream on her hand and wrapped it up. Of course, she screamed the whole time, but once they were done she seemed fine. They said the burns were probably 2nd degree. Her little eyes were almost swollen shut from crying so hard. I don't think I have ever seen her cry any harder. Bless her just about killed me. These pictures were taken after her nap this afternoon. She has woken up in great spirits and with no complaints. Kids amaze me with their resiliency...they seem to bounce right back. We go back to the doctor on Friday for them to check it to make sure it is healing okay.

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