Monday, July 14, 2008

One Year Check-Up...

This morning we had Myla's one year check-up, and according to Dr. Molly she looks great!
Her stats are:
20 lbs. 13 oz. - 35th percentile
30 inches long - 75th percentile
45 cm head circumference - 50th percentile
Dr. Molly has classified Myla as "tall and skinny". She certainly doesn't get that from her Mom! Seriously though, she looks great and is developmentally on track. I've got to start doing better about transitioning from the bottle to the sippy cup with her milk. I am just going to gradually start doing it, so hopefully she will catch on. We go to the health department on Friday for shots, so I am not looking forward to that, but it has to be done! Until then, I am just praising the Lord for a healthy little girl.

"Hey, is a little chilly in here with no clothes on."
"Dr. Molly better hurry up. I think my mom is running out of snacks for distraction."
"Wonder if I could get out of that window?"
"I'm keeping an eye on the door for that doctor."

1 comment:

Susan and Ethan Peterson said...

So cute! Glad she is doing so well! Hope the shots aren't so bad!