I was looking back through my pictures this morning, and I saw a bunch of random ones that I haven’t posted. So, here goes…
Some days I just don’t even feel like fighting with the girls about what they wear. They picked out their outfits this particular day, and I just went with it…thinking it wouldn’t matter. I mean we were just going to the store. Well, while at the store a friend of mine called to see if we wanted to go to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. I know what they wear shouldn’t matter, but I guess I’m just vain. Or maybe, it’s that they have TONS of adorable, matching clothes in their closet, but they just want to wear “play” clothes! Oh well…such is life with girls, I guess. I’m sure it will only get worse!!!
The girls have really been tuning into their creative sides lately. They have been requesting to paint, but I’m just not much on cleaning up paint when it gets everywhere. I know, I know…I’m a bad mom! Anyway, my mom had these neat books in her school room that has watercolor paint at the top of each page. The girls loved it and it meant NO mess!!
After a few minutes, Selah just started painting with the water, and she thought that was just as good. She loved it! Myla was done after about five minutes. Selah “painted” for a good twenty.
The girls have started loving watching movies in our room. This was one night before bed. You can’t tell because I had the flash on, but the room was totally dark. They thought it was great!
Last week we got the door hung above our church bench. I love the way it turned out! But, I’m having a bit of trouble with the pictures staying stuck to the glass. I used glue dots that were in the craft aisle that are VERY sticky. I just knew that they were going to work great, but after just a few days the pictures started falling. I’ve got to figure something out because they look crazy right now! Any suggestions??
Last weekend we set up the other twin bed in Myla’s room. They have been asking to sleep in the same room for awhile, so we thought we would give it a try. This was one day before Selah was going to take a nap. She wanted Myla to read to her!
Needless to say, Selah has not made it in the “big” bed through the night yet. I think she just really loves her baby bed. And, I’m good with that! We needed to set up the twin beds anyway because we are renting our house out for one of the football games this fall, and we told them that there would be twin beds in one room.
I snapped this cute picture of Selah last weekend while we were at Sae Sae and Granddaddy’s house.
Then, in the very next moment, I get this look!!
So, as I mentioned earlier, the girls have been wanting to paint. Well, I finally relented, and they LOVED it! I found some magnets in the craft aisle that you paint. Selah was hysterical. She kept saying, “It’s so' ‘prelly’, Mommy!” She was sure to get every color on her doggy magnet!!
Myla painted a lion. She was a little more particular than her sister!
This past Tuesday we spent the morning at the park with some friends from our Classical Conversations group. The girls had so much fun playing, and I think Selah played herself out! When we got home, she requested to watch Snow White. She is obsessed with Snow White right now and wants to watch it all the time!! Well, she fell asleep while she was watching it!
On Wednesday night AWANA started back up at church. It is an awesome program where children memorize scripture each week as well as play games and have an emphasis on missions. Myla is in Sparks this year. I can’t believe it. She started out as a Puggle when she was 2, then she was a Cubbie at 3 & 4. Now, Selah is a Puggle! They were WIRED with they got home from church!!!
See, I told you that was random! I hope you all have a great weekend!!!!!
P.S. – Our first week of homeschooling has gone really well! Myla loves it, and I have really enjoyed it as well. I learned one lesson today though. The girls woke up in the best mood this morning and immediately began playing. I started cleaning the house (which I really needed to do), so I decided since they were playing so well I would continue to clean since I was getting a lot done and homeschool Myla while Selah was napping. Well, I think I discovered that she is definitely a morning learner. She is much more focused and motivated in the mornings. She told me this afternoon that she was tired. She was also very distracted and antsy. Oh well….live and learn. This is all new to me anyway!