Our Christmas celebration began last night at Michael's parents house. We had a wonderful night!!! It was so great to see Mary Jennifer and Spencer as it has been quite some time since we have seen them. It is always great to be together, especially at such a special time of year. Myla, of course had a blast! She really got into opening presents, and she loved everything she got! Thanks to everyone for the gifts, but even more for the wonderful memories!

Myla getting ready to go play outside in the COLD while Granddaddy grilled our chicken and steaks...YUM!

Myla and Grandmother

Myla and Uncle Spencer

Photography by Myla...she LOVES taking pictures with my camera.

Sae Sae and Myla

In front of the Christmas tree ready to OPEN PRESENTS!!!

Myla and Daddy

Listening to Granddaddy read the Christmas story from Luke 2. I love this tradition the Meurriers have always had. We definitely want Myla to know the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

Myla showing off some of her new VeggieTales videos.

With her new purse!!

Dress up shoes....a girl can't have too many!

All dressed up now and ready to go!

Spencer and Mary Jennifer...can't believe they have already been married a year!

The immediate family

Uncle Bubba, Grandmother, Granddaddy and Myla

Everyone with Grandmother
Mother and Sons

Aunt Mary, Myla and Spencer

Sae Sae and Granddaddy.....

....and with Myla

Our little family...can't believe we'll have another one next Christmas!
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