Friday, August 28, 2009

Another Shout Out for World Vision...

A week from Sunday, Michael and his friend, Clarke Holter, will be running the Tupelo marathon. They have been training hard, and I think they will be glad when it is over! Nonetheless, some of you may remember they are raising money for a non-profit humanitarian organization called World Vision. Many people have already donated, and
If you feel led, please visit their website and contribute.
Our pastor asked us Sunday the question, "Does it bother you than 16,000 children die everyday for lack of food and clean water?" He was making the point that in our lives of abundance, we forget that there are real needs out in the world. Many times it is not intentional that we "forget" those less fortunate than us, it is just the fact that in the business of our lives, we let it slip our mind, only to have our hearts broken when we do remember. One thing World Vision does is dig clean water wells in impoverished countries. This is the area that Michael and Clarke feel passionate about, hence their team name....Cup of Water. This is just a small way they feel they can help out.
Thanks again to those that have given!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Baby #2, 11 weeks 3 days

Today we had a doctor's appointment to check on the baby, and, PRAISE THE LORD, everything looks great! It still amazes me to see these ultrasound pictures and think that this tiny baby is inside of me growing and developing. God is SO good! His works are SO amazing! The baby is measuring right on track, and looks great according to Dr. Williams. He did several genetic tests today and bloodwork. The measurement tests that he did in the ultrasound were good, which means no Downs Syndrome or congenital heart defect. I had been praying that the baby would be healthy, but I had also prayed that if something were wrong that God would give us the strength to handle whatever came our way. There are still things that could go wrong, but I do praise the Lord for the good report we got today.
Myla did great at the appointment and was excited to hear the "harpbeap" (heartbeat). I will continue to keep you updated as the weeks pass. We should find out next month, on the 24th, what this little on will be!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Stories from the Bible....

Myla did the sweetest thing this morning. I guess last night at Puggles they read a Bible story. Well, this morning Myla brought me a Bible, and asked me to read a story to her and her baby. She had her baby sitting right beside her on the floor and I was sitting up on the couch. I literally read straight from the Bible, not a story book, and she just sat there and listend intently. When I would stop, she would say, "No, Mama, read story from Bible." It was so precious! I hope she always loves her the Word of God!
Listening to the Bible story.
This is hilarious. She kept telling her baby to "SHHHH!". I got a kick out of it because I figured the teachers last night were probably having to tell her the same thing!

My Little Puggle...

Last night Myla started her first night of AWANA at our church. This year she is a "Puggle" which is the 2 year old program. She was so excited about going, and when we got there and got her shirt, she immediately wanted to put it on. She actually wanted to sleep in it last night too. I can't believe how fast she is growing up!
Can you tell she was a little excited about her night?

Sorry it is so dark, but I was trying to get a picture of her in her shirt.


Although Myla's night was good before bed, things took a drastic turn for the worse around 1:40 a.m. I heard her screaming, which is not normal for her, so I went straight to her room. By the time I got to the den, I could tell by her coughing that she was vomitting. Her sickness continuted until about 5:45 a.m. It was AWFUL!! Such a helpless feeling for me watching her be sick because it was scaring her so badly. Finally around 6:00 we both fell asleep until 7:30. When she woke up, she seemed like a different child. She has been happy all morning and has played and played. I guess she just had a touch of something, but I do not look forward to ever having to go through that again!!


D.W.D. = "Dates With Dad"
Last Wednesday night Michael and Myla went on their first official "date night". I had choir, but neither of them had activities at church that night, so Michael said they would go on a date. Myla talked about it all day, and was so excited to see her Daddy at work that afternoon. They went to McDonald's and then had a picnic in the Grove. So sweet. This is a tradition that Michael has always wanted to do, and now Myla is finally old enough to kind of understand what's going on!!
Ready for their date!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why do Snakes Like Our Backyard???

Okay, does everyone know that I am literally PETRIFIED of snakes...any kind of snakes, even rubber ones? Why do these evil, nasty reptiles feel the need to show up in my backyard? Last year, we had an incident with one that was, and I am not exaggerating, at least 6 feet long. I had a complete panic attack...could not breath or anything. I was home by myself so I didn't know what to do, but I watched the stupid thing slither all over my patio furniture and then out into the yard. Fortunately we didn't see it again.
Well, tonight, Michael and Myla were outside playing, which has become their nightly routine, and Michael opens the backdoor and says my favorite thing to hear..."Meredith, there's a snake out here!" So, I went out there to see it and take a picture since I didn't get a picture of the one last year....I told you, I was in a complete panic attack! This was a baby, which to me is worse, because it means the mama and probably some siblings are near. YUK!! It was probably a foot long and no bigger around than my finger. If there are any snake experts out there, do you know what kind this is?
Just had to share. Now I will probably been unable to sleep tonight, and when I do go to sleep, I'm sure I will be awakened by snake nightmares!!! Ewwwww...........

Funny Conversation...

Earlier today Myla and I were having a conversation about her baby brother/sister...
Me: "Myla, do you want a baby brother or a baby sister?"
Myla: "I want baby sister."
Me: "Myla, do you want a baby sister or baby brother?"
Myla: "I want baby brother."
This has been the typical converation about this subject. Whichever option you metion second is what she says she wants.
So, the above conversation went a little further...
Me: "Well, which one do you want?"
Myla: "I want Cookie Monster!"
Gotta love a girl who knows what she wants!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Working at the Car Wash...

Saturday night after dinner, Myla "helped" Michael wash our cars. Obviously, it was really just a good excuse for her to get in her bathing "soup" (as she calls it) and have fun in the water hose (and for the cars to get clean at the same time)! She had SO much fun! I could hear her squealing from inside, so I had to go out and snap some pictures...
"Look, Mom, I'll just give myself a bath with dirty car wash water, okay?"
"This sprayer is really hard to control sometimes..."
This may be my favorite all time summer picture!
This was exactly one second after I said, "Myla, don't get Mommy with the water!"
Needless to say, I didn't stay completely dry!
"Don't worry, Mom, this water is really clean!"
Stealing some wet and sudsy hugs from Daddy.
After telling her that the driveway didn't need washing numerous times, she still felt that it did and went about cleaning it herself...
"Oh, sorry, Daddy, did you say you already washed and rinsed this part of the car? I guess it can't get too clean!"
Scrub, scrub, scrub!!
Here she is again going back to cleaning the driveway!
"Myla, did you have fun helping wash the cars?"
I think this look says it all!
Phillip came by while walking, and he got in on the fun too!!! Why do all kids love to get soaked while fully dressed?
Myla running from Michael saying, "No, Daddy!!". Then she would turn around, run back and say, "I want more, Daddy!".
Myla, Taylor and Phillip trying to dodge the water!
Don't you love the innocence and carefreeness (is that a word) of kids??

Monday, August 3, 2009

Taking Trips in the Backyard...

Tonight after dinner, Michael and Myla headed outside for some play time. Michael is such a wonderful daddy and husband, and I am so thankful for him! I have been so sick with this pregnancy(hence my complete blog neglect), and Michael, as usual, has been so helpful with Myla when he gets home from work and on the weeekends. Anyway, I walked outside to see what they were up to, and Michael told me they were "taking trips". He would ask Myla where they were going, and she would point and start walking the way she pointed. They would get to her imaginary destination and then start walking a different direction. So cute!

Bestest Friends...

Are these two not the cutest kids you've ever seen??
One day last week Grace came and played while Katie took Robbie to the doctor, and she and Myla had a great time. They love to play with purses and baby dolls....typical little girls. I told Katie that I wish we could just bottle their personalities up at this age and one day open it up and smile. Their conversations with each other are getting so funny. I just love them so much!!