The Easter Bunny did make a stop by our house last Saturday night, and Myla was excited when she woke up to see what he had left for her. Myla has renamed the Easter Bunny, and to her he is "Bunny Foo Foo". She kept saying "Bunny Foo Foo came to my house, Mama" or "Thank you Bunny Foo Foo" everytime she got something out of her basket. Every bunny she sees is named Bunny Foo Foo. We sing the song "Little Bunny Foo Foo" a lot so I guess she figures that is as good a name as any for the Easter Bunny!

The loot...thank you Dollar Tree!

Fresh out of bed checking out what she got.

She wasn't quite sure what the hula hoop was, and Michael and I didn't do too great of a job demonstrating since it is a little bitty one made for kids. But, she made the best of it, and just played with it however she wanted!

Bandaids...what is it with kid's obsession with bandaids. She likes to play with them like stickers, but never would she imagine putting one on when she gets hurt! She screams like crazy if you actually try to put one on a bobo.

Skittles....her favorite candy along with Starburst. All of her eggs hard Starburst in them, so she was thrilled about that. I will regret this in a few years at the dentist office!

Happy with all of her new goodies!!

Giving the hula hoop a spin.

Writing in her new notepad with her new pen. She loves pens and paper! Just like me when I was little.

All dressed up and ready for church. I regret not taking many pictures, but we were running a little behind! Oh well, I guess I can always put the dress back on her (after it is cleaned from eating chocolate and playing on the playground outside at church) and take more!

Little Miss Selah on her first Easter!
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