Sunday, January 29, 2012

Supper Club…

Last night we got together with four other couples to have our first supper club!  We have been talking about doing it for awhile, but Heatherlea finally got it together and we got it on all of our calendars.  We had so much fun getting to visit, and the kids had a blast playing together!  We are going to meet every other month, so I will be sure to update the blog whenever we do!


Our sweet host family for last night…The Hopsons – Will, Jamie, Heatherlea & Liz


Little Mia was busy multi-tasking!


Tyler & Myla did a little dancing


Daddy and Selah – Give Selah a cup of crushed ice and she is one happy girl (but I usually have to clean up several spills!)


The Northcutts – Kimberly, Kellen & Jamil – Seriously, I could eat Kellen up…he is the cutest kid ever.  And let me tell you, he is going to be a little baller.  He had a basketball in his hands the whole time last night and shot on a little goal.  He was GOOD!  He was wearing his Air Jordans with pride!


Mitzi, Kimberly & Heatherlea


Heatherlea and me – It is so neat how God works…Heatherlea and her husband were in our Sunday School class at FBC Jackson when they were newlyweds.  They lived in Jackson while she went to PT school.  Well, we ended up moving to Oxford before she finished school, but they moved here after she graduated and now we are in church together again.  So neat how God has given us such great, Godly Christian friends.


Mitzi & Jim – I didn’t get a picture of them with their children (more on that later) but Mia and Tyler belong to them!


After I finally pried the cup of ice out of Selah’s hand (and put the cooler in the garage so she couldn’t get to it), she moved onto this riding toy.


Love this picture of Will & Tyler – sweet boys!


Will taught Selah and Tyler how to cut the light off and on in his room.  They thought they were hysterical!  Every time they would cut it off and back on, they would just die laughing! (Can you tell Selah had mac ‘n cheese for supper?)


Continuing to turn the light off and on….doesn’t take much sometimes!


Ty Ty (as Selah calls him) finally got a turn!


Tyler also enjoyed rocking out on the drums!


Selah gave baby Liz lots of kisses!


Sweet Kellen again -  he keeps his momma on her toes, for sure!


Sweet baby Tyler loved this Elmo!


Our little family!  This picture reminds me of a funny story that Mitzi told me last night.  A realtor at her office asked her recently if “the two little blonde girls that run around with Meredith were adopted too?”  I died out laughing when she was telling me this because I say all the time I bet people think Myla and Selah are adopted when they see them with me since they look NOTHING like me!  The lady knew we were in the adoption process, so she was curious if we had already adopted two.  HA!


The Johnsons – Kaitlyn, Todd, Jennifer & Tyler


Myla enjoyed her cookie before it was time to go!


Mitzi & me – let me just tell you how much of a blessing this girl has been to me.  She is a wonderful friend and an awesome realtor.  I know she was ready to shoot me several times while we were looking for a house, but thankfully, she has LOTS of patience.  She truly wanted to find us the right house, and she worked so hard for us.  I am so grateful for her!


Jim had to leave early, and I really wanted to get a picture of Mitzi with her kids, but they wouldn’t come and pose with her, so she just struck a pose by herself.  HA!


Heatherlea & Jennifer

Again, Michael and I are so blessed and grateful to have Christian couple friends that we can fellowship with.  Can’t wait until March!  I will get to host it at our new house!!!!  YAY!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Mommy’s “Meekup” & A Prayer Rock…

So, you know when things get quiet and you haven’t heard from your almost two year old for a few minutes that something is up!  This morning, we were all dressed and ready to take Myla to school when I went to my bathroom to get Selah.  I walked in to find her holding my open tube of mascara and she was laughing hysterically…  She calls my makeup “meekup”.  When she saw me she started saying “Mommy’s meekup” over and over and she immediately handed over the mascara.  HA!


She “applied” a good bit to her right eye.


She had somehow gotten a ton on her eyelashes and under her eye!


I am so thankful she didn’t poke herself in the eye with the mascara wand.  It could have been bad.  But she was quite proud of herself for applying some of Mommy’s “meekup”!


“What…you don’t like me in mascara yet, Mommy?”  Little stinker!


Last Sunday Myla brought home a prayer rock from Sunday School, and I thought it was the cutest thing.  The poem that went with it is adorable.  It is a great idea if you teach SS or preschool!  They let Myla paint it, then put it in a white paper sack to send it home with the poem on the outside of the sack.

This is the poem:

I’m your little prayer rock, and this is what I’ll do.

Just put me on your pillow ‘til the day is through.

Then turn back the covers and climb into bed,

And, WHACK, your little prayer rock will hit you on the head!

Then you will remember as the day is through,

To kneel and say your prayers like you wanted to.

Then when you are finished, just dump me on the floor,

I’ll stay there through the night and give you help once more.

When you get up in the morning, CLUNK, I’ll stub your toe

So you will remember your morning prayers before you go.

Put me back on your pillow when your bed is made

Your little prayer rock will continue in your aid.

Because your Heavenly Father cares and loves you so

He wants you to remember to talk to Him, you know!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Random Thoughts…

Can I just tell you that my blog has taken a back seat once I became A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D.  to Pinterest!!  Oh my goodness…I cannot quit “pinning stuff”!  I LOVE it!  I need to do better about blogging and taking pictures! I rarely do a post without pictures, so I am going to put some recent pictures on here, but I’m really just going to ramble about random thoughts.  HA!


(Dinner with friends last weekend)

As I mentioned on my last post, we found a house!  We had it inspected this week, and everything looked good, thank goodness!  We are set to close on Feb. 6th, and I am ready to get settled back into a house with our stuff.  Pinterest is giving me some GREAT decorating ideas, and I am ready to “get creative”!


(Selah enjoyed her chili)

I totally love teaching at MMO.  To be honest, I signed up to teach just so Myla and Selah could go.  I went into it thinking it would be “okay”, but I LOVE it.  Those kids have such a special place in my heart.  They have grown and changed so much since September.  They recognize each other as well as me and Corie, and some of them call each other by name.  It is the cutest thing.  I will miss them so much next year when they move up.


(Future Rock Stars!)

I never buy Tide detergent because it is too expensive, but this week I bought it because it was on sale and I had a coupon.  I actually bought 9 bottles, but who’s counting.  HA!  Anyway, my clean clothes smell SO good!  It’s not that my clothes smelled bad before, they just didn’t really have a smell.  I think that it will be hard to go back to the cheap stuff, so I hope I keep finding Tide on sale!DSCN4628

(Open gym at the local gymnastics place…Myla LOVED it!)

Myla is growing up so much.  It really blows my mind that in just a few months, she will be in Kindergarten.  WOW!  She has been telling me lately that she wants me to homeschool her because she thinks she will get too tired if she goes to school.  Ha!  She currently LOVES playing with her iTouch.  It amazes me how much she can do with it. 


Every day I miss my friend, Katie, and her kids.  I wished we still lived in the same town.  It makes me sad that she is going through a pregnancy and will have a newborn, and I won’t be in the close by. 


My mom took us out to eat on Monday night to Volta.  I love their hummus and pimento and cheese too much!  I love being with my mom.  We have so much fun when we are together.  I love being an “adult” and getting to be friends with my mom.  I also love how much she loves my girls and how much they love her.  I pray that I will be a mom to my girls like she has been with me.


Selah is the funniest kid I have ever been around.  All the days she made me want to pull my hair out when she was a baby, she is making up for now.  She makes me laugh everyday.  Her vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds.  I love hearing her talk, and I love hearing her and Myla talk to each other.  I want to freeze time at her age now.


Today was one of those days when the stars aligned and the girls played together so well all morning.  They laughed and played and read books and pushed their grocery carts around and played upstairs together without fighting one time.  I was able to get so much done.  They had so much fun, in fact, that when we got ready to run some errands, Myla stated that she did not want to go anywhere.  That is very unusual.  She is usually a mover and a shaker…always wanting to go somewhere!


(Wearing their new “princess” dresses from Mimi)

One of the sweetest times of my day is when I put Selah to bed.  Ever since she was a baby, I have sung, “You Are My Sunshine” to her right before I lay her down.  Well, she has started singing it with me.  She will sit up, look me right in the eye and sing it too.  It almost brings tears to my eyes EVERY time.  I’ve got to get it on video so I will never forget it.  And, thanks to Pinterest, I have a sweet canvas to paint for our new house with that song on it!


Well, I hope this post hasn’t been too random, I just wanted to do a post, but I didn’t have a particular event or topic to blog about.  Thanks for hanging in there!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Play Day at Chick-Fil-A….

Today we met went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch to meet some friends…mainly Katie and her kids since they were in town.  If you read my blog, you may remember that they recently moved to Tupelo, so we don’t get to see them nearly as much as we would like.  Well, they were in town because Katie had a doctors appointment because she is pregnant…with NUMBER 4!!!!  Craziness.  She will have 4 children 5 and under.  Makes me tired, but if anyone can handle it, she can!


Selah was happy to be there!  She was so excited to see the Buckleys and her other friends! For some reason today, she just looked so grown up to me.  Time is going by too fast!


Best Friends…together again!  They hugged and hugged when they saw each other…it was precious!


The “big kid” table.  Mady, Robbie (who refused to look at the camera), Sage, Myla and Grace!  I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to hear their conversation!  The chatter didn’t stop the whole time they were eating!


Jamie and sweet August.  Selah was so excited to see August!


Charlie was excited to get ice cream!  Isn’t he adorable!

We got some great news today!  We have a contract on a house and will hopefully be closing the beginning of February. I cannot tell you how excited I am!  Woohoo!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year, New Friends, New Books…

Well, it’s almost ten days into the new year, and I am just now doing my first post of 2012!  I’ve got to do better!!!  Oh well, I did want to catch up.  We spent New Year’s Eve with some of our good friends, the Simons.  We had fun eating pizza, visiting and doing a few fireworks!


Most of the crew waiting for Mr. Jason to get the fireworks started!  Myla was so excited to “shoot” fireworks, although she really had no idea what that meant.  Ha!


Myla and Elizabeth…sweet friends!  Both girly girls that love to dress up and be princesses!


Whitney had gotten some fireworks that made very little noise, but it didn’t stop Myla from covering her ears!


Sarah kept her ears covered the ENTIRE time we were outside.  Bless her heart!


Selah loved the fireworks, which would make sense since she is a little “firework” herself!


Whitney and Sarah


This picture is so funny because Myla is covering her ears and hiding behind Elizabeth, who is yelling “Run, Daddy, run” after he lit a very small firework.  Ha!  She was very concerned for him!


Elizabeth LOVED the sparklers!


I’m not sure what Myla was doing, but she was rolling around on the ground laughing her head off!  Funny kid!


After much persuasion, Myla finally wanted to “try” and hold a sparkler…of course, she needed help from Mom.


Mr. Jason did good lighting all of the sparklers despite the wind!  Poor Sarah is still covering her ears…her arms had to be getting tired by this point!


Yes, Selah had to try one too!  And, yes, she tried her best to touch it (the burning part) and she had a black mark on her hand.  I don’t think it burned her because she didn’t cry.  Ha!


YAY!! She finally held one by herself!

After a “crazy” New Year’s Eve celebration, we headed home around 8 pm and we were all asleep by probably 10.  PaRtY AnImAlS!!!


One of the blessings of our “temporary” living situation is getting to be living close to our new friends, the Booths.  We have enjoyed getting to play outside many afternoons and having some last minute play dates.  This past Saturday night, we watched their kids while Blake and Jamie went to dinner.  We decided that we needed to swap out “babysitting” so we could have occasional dates without the cost of a babysitter.  YAY!!  Their kids are SO SWEET, and our girls have so much fun with them.  They pretty much entertained themselves while they were here.  And sweet little August is the most easy-going little guy!


Montana and Myla spent a lot of time cooking something in the kitchen and hiding their “secret” items in various places.


Selah and Sage really enjoyed drawing pictures on the easel.  Selah LOVES Sage, but she calls her “Paige”.  It is so sweet!


Pretty girls!


I love this picture!  It looks like Sage is telling Selah something really important!


Seriously, he is the happiest baby!  As long as he has something to chew on, he is good to go!


Of course, Selah had to give August LOTS of hugs and kisses!


The girls got on the couch to watch a movie…but of course, that lasted all of about 4 minutes!  They were quickly onto something else!


These two have a huge imagination, and they had so much fun playing together!


Selah is about as big as Sage, but that didn’t keep Sage from holding her in her lap!


Finally…new books!  The girls got some new books for Christmas, and they have really enjoyed having us read to them.  As busy as Selah is, she loves to sit and be read to, which I love.  She is quickly learning the princesses, and she will let me know which story she wants me to read to her!  “Snow Wipe” is her favorite, but “Punzel” (Rapunzel) is a very close second!  I wish y’all could hear her talk…it is the cutest thing ever.  She is talking up a storm, and I just love it.  I will try to get some “conversations” on film soon.


Tonight before bed, Daddy had to read a story!  Love it!