Monday, March 3, 2014

Tea Party, TOT and Early Birthday…

This weekend Myla went to a precious “Tea Party” Birthday.  It was so cute!


The invitation said to wear “your fanciest dress and your mother’s pearls”, so that’s what we did!  It bothered me just a little bit that she looked like a teenager.  Ouch… In her daddy’s words, “I don’t like it.”


She was so proud of her hair!


I thought this picture was funny.  The mom of the birthday girl was giving directions about how they were going to make their hats.


They also made these fun, big tissue paper flowers!


All the girls with their hats! So cute and “southern”!  It was a wonderful party. I felt like I had attended a lovely bridesmaids luncheon.  The mom went to a lot of trouble to make every detail perfect!


Sunday after church, Mimi and Bodie treated everyone to a birthday lunch for Selah at McAlisters!


Mimi and the birthday girl


Myla and Daddy


Rambo waiting for his lunch!!


Sis Sis was able to join us too!


We ran back home to do cake and gifts before Selah’s TOT performance at half time of the Ole Miss women’s basketball game.


Right before her performance.  Again, she did a great job and had lots of fun!

We are looking forward to celebrating her 4th birthday tomorrow.  I simply cannot believe she is going to be FOUR.

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