Well, it’s been almost 8 months since I posted anything to the blog. Too bad we haven’t had that much going on during that time. Yeah, right. We’ve had a huge life change in September when we finally brought home our little love, Ramsey, from Taiwan. To be totally honest, after my last post in May, things were just tough. To travel and spend a week with Ramsey, and then have to leave him for an undetermined amount of time was just awful. I was pretty much depressed, irritable, pouty and didn’t want to blog about it. Ha. Looking back, I greatly regret that. I wish I could read back over those raw emotions now. Then, after Ramsey got home, things were just nuts. That is another blog post (or two, or three, or more) on its own, which I hope to get to!
SOOOO, I think I’m just going to start with 2014 and then back track and try to catch up one month at a time from June-December 2013. I’m excited about getting back to documenting just our normal, everyday life…this crazy one we have! I bought a new, little point and shoot camera with my Christmas money which I am so excited about. I had gotten to where I was taking hardly any pictures…even with my phone. I didn’t like taking my big camera around, so now I just have my little one in my purse at all times so hopefully I won’t miss anything important!!
January 2014
Well, we made it through the crazy, wonderful holiday season! I absolutely LOVE the fall holiday and Christmas seasons. This year they were especially fun with a new little one running around! I’m going to do a separate Christmas post, but here’s a little teaser!
Back to January…
Myla lost her 3rd tooth at the beginning of January. Is losing a tooth as traumatic for everyone else’s children as it is for Myla? (See the red eyes, evidence of a lot of crying) Goodness, for us, it’s at least an hour long process of trying to convince her to let us pull that pesky little tooth that is hanging on by a thread. It’s crazy. Nonetheless, once it’s out, she’s ok.
For Christmas, Myla got a “fake” American Girl doll from Target. She was pleased as punch with it because she had no idea Target didn’t sell authentic American Girl dolls. No offense to AG, but I think the price of these things and all of their trillions of gadgets are a bit, um, outrageous! Myla has never been a big fan of playing with dolls, but now that she has been around other little girls with AG dolls, she has really been wanting one. Anyway, a friend of mine at church told me that her nieces were ready to get rid of two of their AG dolls, and they wanted to give them to someone that really wanted one. Myla was so thrilled that now she had not only one, but two REAL AG to go along with her knock off. Ha. To be honest, she has played with them more than I would have thought, and Selah loves them too. They play with them together a good bit, which is very sweet!
One day the girls asked to help with chores. Of course, I jumped on their requests! Selah enjoyed vacuuming. She loved it so much that she did it several times over the next couple of days, and the poor vacuum endured more torture than it could stand. I think she dropped the handle part no less than 15 times. Anyway, the vacuum became a casualty and we ended up having to get another one. Needless to say, vacuuming has gone back to being a “mommy only” chore.
Myla emptied the garbage cans. Nice!
We had some pretty frigid days in January. I think this particular morning it was 9 degrees. I called this picture, “I’m dreaming of the tropics of Taiwan.” I can guarantee that Ramsey, before coming home from Taiwan, had never been subjected to temps less than 60 degrees. (When I do our Taiwan posts, you will see a common theme of HEAT…it’s the hottest place I’ve ever been!)
Tooth number 4 was lost in January as well. This one wasn’t quite so dramatic. This tooth was literally sticking out of her mouth. I was calling her Nanny McPhee. Anyway, Michael was looking at it trying to get her to let him pull it and she had her lips tight together. He pushed on her top lip, and she opened her mouth and her tooth was on her tongue. She was shocked…I mean because it was obviously not ready to come out if it just took a little push on her lip to get it to come out.
Capturing a sweet moment in the car!
Selah got this dog for Christmas. His name was Shadow. Anyway, Selah loved the dog much more than the dog loves her. So, after about three weeks, we had to find him a new home. This was right before we dropped him off to his new owner. I think the look on his face says it all….”Please, get me out of here!”
Random January movie night!
Ramsey had his 18 month check-up with Dr. Molly in January. Health wise, he is doing great. He is like a string bean, though…tall and skinny! I was shocked to learn he was in the 19% for weight because he eats ALL the time. I don’t know how he could eat any more. LOL. He is in the 65% for height. Unfortunately, his ears have been yucky and infected pretty much since he came home. Looks like he’ll be getting tubes in March.
In case you were wondering, this is Ramsey’s preferred posture to pitch a fit most of the time. And believe me, he can pitch a good one!
He (and Selah) loved playing under the table in the exam room. He’s like a little monkey!
These two have come a LONG way together!
Sweet boy!
Over and over again…back and forth over that bar!
Pleased with himself.
On another random note, Ramsey LOVES to dip his food in any condiment, ketchup, Ranch dressing, mustard, Ro-tel, etc. It is so funny because the girls are not “dippers”!