Thursday, May 9, 2013

TOT Shine Time, Naptime & The Easiest Supper Ever….

Yesterday was a very busy day!!  The girls got to participate in TOT Shine Time, and they were VERY excited! They have been doing TOT once a week since September, and they have loved every minute of it!  Not only have they learned 25 basketball handling skills, they have also learned to count in Spanish and French, parts of the body, mixing colors and many other things.  It was fun to watch them show off what they had learned.  Selah was in a two year old class that met before Myla’s class, but in January Amy, the teacher, told me just to leave Selah for the big class so I wouldn’t have to come back to the church to pick her up after 30 minutes.  Of course, she adored being in the “big kid” class!


I forgot my “real” camera, so the pictures from my phone aren’t the greatest, but they’re all I’ve got!  Selah was very proud of her trophy, if you can’t tell!!


Myla was so excited to get her trophy as well!  I forgot how exciting it was to get a trophy as a kid!


The girls with Mrs. Amy!  They ADORE her!


Daddy ran over from work so he could watch the performance!


Happy girls with their trophies!


We love our girls!


I mentioned in my last post how Selah’s naps are hit and miss.  I think she was sleeping pretty good on the couch yesterday.  Ha!


I wanted to share one of my favorite suppers to cook because it is EASY and GOOD!  You stare with frozen chicken (I use tenders), but you could obviously use chicken breasts if that is what you would prefer.


Next pick your favorite salsa and taco seasoning.


Pour in the salsa, then the seasoning.


Stir it up well, then turn your slow cooker on Lo and let it cook for 6-8 hours.  When it’s done, shred the chicken and serve it on tortillas as tacos or on a salad.  We also eat a side of Knorr’s taco rice ($1).  Yummy, easy and cheap!  It doesn’t get much easier than that!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Good Reason to Finally Update….

So, I’m not going to offer any excuse as to why I haven’t updated the blog because there really are none, but I have a good reason to, so here goes…


We are actually leaving for Taiwan next Thursday for our first trip (we have to make two)!  We will get to spend the entire week with Ramsey while we are there (pinch me), and we will have court on May 24th.  After court, there is really no way to know when we will be able to go back to bring him home.  It depends on how long it takes the court to issue all of the documents that must be issued and how long it takes our government to issue his visa to come home.  It could be one to five months after court.  Let’s all pray that it is very quick, okay?  Thanks!

So, I am going to try and do better with the blog.  I don’t think it’s ever been this long. I really don’t know a way to “catch up”, so I’ll post a few quick pictures here (totally random ones), then I’ll just try to jump back on track!  Of course, they are all from my phone because I never carry my camera anymore!


I guess it’s been about two months ago (didn’t record the date….oops!), but Myla lost her first tooth!


Then just a few weeks later, she lost her second one!  As you can see, the permanent teeth were already well on their way in!  Can’t believe she’s this big!


I think my Facebook caption for this one was, “My sunshine on a rainy day!”


Sweet Grace turned six in March.  Simply unbelievable!  Believe it or not, Myla is four months younger than Grace, despite her height!


Naps with Selah these days are hit and miss, at best. She has nothing to do with actually getting in her bed to nap, because she realizes Myla doesn’t nap.  So if she does fall asleep, it’s like this…


…or this…


…or this!


I had a momentary lack of sanity one day and let the girls take their shopping baskets in Wal-Mart.  They did well and loved it!


Homeschooling is still going well!  Selah LOVES to do school too!


Pretty girls on Easter Sunday!


We finished up a wonderful year at our homeschool group, Classical Conversations.  I feel so extremely blessed to have been a part of this community this year!  This was Myla’s “class” and her tutor, Mrs. Allyson!


We have two new pets at our house…sadly, I cannot remember their names at the moment.  Ha! 


Check out these two ginormous snakes Michael killed in our backyard several weekends ago. GAG ME!  I HATE snakes and may be a bit psycho scared of them. 


I love how when I dress the girls they say they don’t “look cute”, but when they pick out their own outfits, they think they are the best looking things around.


I’m sure this will just get worse with time…


Last Friday night I got to go eat with Katie and this little cutie!  I can’t believe how quickly Abby is getting!


Myla loves, loves, loves to fish at my mom’s house with my brother, Peyton.  I loved fishing growing up as well, so it has been fun for me too!


Even Selah got in on the action this time!


This picture cracks me up.  Selah LOVES getting her teeth cleaned, can you tell??


My cousin, Olivia, gave the girls gift certificates for Christmas to have their nails done.  We finally got around to using them, and the girls loved it!


Waiting patiently for her nails to dry!


Sometimes I’m glad my mom is a semi-hoarder (she saves everything) because I get to see my girls in my old dance costumes!  Ha! This is their new favorite past time at my mom’s house.  Believe me, there are some doozies to choose from in the costume department!