Well, Myla finally got to experience costume wearing for Halloween. Two years ago she was too little, and last year she and I were both sick. She was so excited to get to be Cookie Monster, as he is her favorite resident of Sesame Street. She put the costume on great. We had some issues with her trying it on, but evidently she got over them!
One Happy Little Cookie Monster!
Greeting Grace aka Minnie Mouse. Grace had already found the cotton candy.
Myla loved watching everyone in their costumes. When we first got there, she just would watch people and die out laughing. It was the funniest thing.
This is her demonstration of how Cookie Monster eats his cookies
Sweet Grace still enjoying her very blue cotton candy.
Robbie as the most precious Mickey Mouse I have ever seen!
Attempted group photo...ha! Think again!
Myla, Grace and I about to ride the train. These two are seriously like two peas in a pod!
Finally a decent one of the two of them
Myla about to go into the Christian Life Center to play games and get "tandy" (candy).
She was not too fond of the games. She wasn't really interested in playing any of them, but we finally managed to get her to do some of them so she could get some candy. Here she is eyeing the "Go Fishing" game. She finally did it once she realized candy was involved.
Her favorite thing by far was the bounce house. I think she could live in one of these things. She LOVES to jump!
Myla's friend, Joshua, joined her in the bounce house.